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Data Collaboration

Webinar: Leveraging Data and Tech for Healthy, Equitable and Sustainable Communities

  In the age of over sharing, is there a way to leverage our penchant for bulk data collection to make positive changes for the greater good? This was the same question posed by researchers at Kaiser Permanente, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and Network Impact. Researchers concluded the social sector should work together to combine the […]

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Community Insights: Brian Walsh

“I believe that more informed decision making—with easy access to the right information at the right time—will help all those in the social sector generate more impact.”

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This Time It’s Personal

  As organizations start to get serious about feedback, things inevitably come to the moment where feedback gets personal. To be really useful, feedback must touch on an individual’s performance.   This is tough stuff. People resist feedback in many different ways. A growing part of Keystone Accountability’s Constituent Voice work with organizations is to help staff recognize auto-immune-type […]

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Some UK Charities Believed They Were Above Data Protection Laws

  Every week at Markets for Good we hear of the inspiring and innovative ways in which nonprofits and charities are harnessing the power of data to make a lasting impact. Policies surrounding data protection and privacy, particularly when it becomes to donor data, are extremely controversial. In the headlines this week, some of the biggest […]

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Feedback as Democracy in Social Change Practice

  A huge shift is happening in the social sector. Dennis Whittle traces it all the way back to the birth of democracy in Greece circa 594 BCE. The people are sovereign! In titling our special theme ‘Beyond accountability: feedback as transformation’ we are signalling that the long march of democracy has arrived at our doors. When we say […]

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Innovating UCD to Solve for Social Good

A hyperconnected experience less governed by materialism could exploit “shared states” rather than “shared objects”—a more sustainable paradigm that shifts discursive desire and practice further toward transparency and accountability.

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Data Can Bring Good Nutrition to Global Fruition

  In ‘Data is the Magic Ingredient That Can Bring Good Nutrition to Global Fruition‘,  Children’s Investment Fund Foundation CEO Michael Anderson talks about how nutrition should be high on the agenda as global leaders meet in New York later this month to discuss the sustainable development goals (SDGs).   He argues that the subject […]

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Community Insights: Richard Turner

  In our latest post for our Community Insights series, we talk to Richard Turner, Chief Fundraiser at SolarAid about his career as a fundraiser and the biggest opportunities in digital fundraising.     Tell us a bit about yourself and your career so far.   I’ve been a fundraiser for 25 years, this year! Not […]

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An Index We Really Need

For every dollar an individual chooses to donate to a social or public purpose, she has to make one of these choices: donate, invest, political support, shop, crowdfund. This the universe of choices we face for all the private resources we want to put to public benefit.

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How Nonprofits Can Use Data to Maximise Community Impact

  At Markets for Good, we try to encourage our readers to better make use of data and information – using data to become more transparent and accountable, improve impact and better communicate your goals with your donors and supporters. But nonprofits can’t simply collect data – they need to use data to drive their […]

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