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#GivingTuesday: Latin America

  The first time I heard about #GivingTuesday my immediate reaction was “this can certainly work over here”; “here” being Argentina and Latin America. I did not know of a day to celebrate Giving, but having one made absolute sense. As such, it was with great enthusiasm from OurMark that we decided to take the […]

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To Help One Child or a Million

  In a recent NPR article, Shankar Vedantam asks “why do people sometimes give generously to a cause — and other times give nothing at all?” This is a question that regularly crosses our minds here at Markets For Good, and no doubt yours as well. Given the recent lack in Ebola funding, which Andrew […]

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#GivingTuesday: UK

  In May 2014 the UK officially joined the global #GivingTuesday family. It had been months in the making with the idea kicking around the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) offices since late last year.   When I joined in January of this year I was asked if I knew what ‘#GivingTuesday’ was. Hard to believe […]

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#GivingTuesday: The Origins

Asha Curran, one of #GivingTuesday’s chief architects asks, “How best to gestate a movement like this and take it to scale, creatively, and responsibly?”

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BRIDGE Project: Progress Report

The Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities (BRIDGE) is a new collaborative project that aims to revolutionize information sharing, in order to better understand the flows of philanthropic dollars and enhance transparency and effectiveness in the global social sector. BRIDGE is a system that assigns non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other entities in the social sector […]

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Combatting Ebola with Crowdsourcing

  Yesterday we published an in-depth look into the fundraising data behind the fight against Ebola from Andrew Grabois of the Foundation Centre. Today, we follow up on Grabois’ piece with a Quartz article, authored by Gwynn Guilford, detailing an innovative new initiative to fight Ebola.   In her recent article, Guildford interviews Madhav Marathe, […]

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Trends in Ebola Relief Funding

  An analysis of figures compiled by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs (OCHA) Financial Tracking Service shows that the global response to OCHA’s billion dollar appeal for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been an outlier. For example, looking at just funding (not including uncommitted pledges) from private individuals and organizations, we see that […]

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Do Good Data

  Here at Markets For Good we like to keep all our readers abreast of the work of our friends and contributors. As such, today we are very excited to draw your attention to the Do Good Data conference, to which tickets recently went on sale.   Built by regular contributor Andrew Means of Data […]

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The Why And How Of Effective Altruism

  Peter Singer uses his TED talk to walk the viewer through a range of thought experiments and examples to help you balance emotion and practicality in giving — and make the biggest impact with whatever you can share.   “Effective altruism combines the heart and the head” Singer believes we are seeing a trend […]

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Forcing Nonprofits To Lie About Data

  Here’s a truth that’s rarely spoken: if a key funder asks a nonprofit for data it doesn’t really have, it’s standard practice for nonprofits to simply invent plausible data to fill the gaps.   On its face, this seems outrageous. As a sector, how can we ever hope to be able to effectively understand […]

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