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Digital Impact was created by the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford PACS and was managed until 2024. It is no longer being updated.

Data Privacy

Unsure about Data Privacy? These 4 Podcasts Will Help

Despite their strong capacity-building infrastructure, US nonprofits are still susceptible to data breaches, cyber attacks, and otherwise well-intentioned misuse of data.

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These 6 Nonprofits Are Leading on Data Privacy

Ensuring GDPR compliance is a big job but someone has to do it. Now, a number of leading organizations are using good data practice to influence others in the sector.

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Data Privacy and Security: From Mandate to Mission

Lucy Bernholz moderates a discussion on how social sector organizations can utilize data while integrating responsible data governance into their culture.

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Data Review Boards: Facebook, Data Governance, and Trusts in Practice

This piece was originally published on Medium. This past weekend, years of advocacy and reporting from Carole Cadwalladr, Paul-Olivier Dehaye, and Max Schrems finally got its due on the front pages of the New York Times, the Guardian, and then, well, everywhere else. Without going into the minutiae, Cambridge Analytica, a voter manipulation firm, harvested the records […]

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Data Labs: Improving Access to Government Data

Data practitioners discuss an emerging data-sharing model that helps dissolve barriers to collaboration while safeguarding sensitive data.

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Strava, Contracts, and Our Data Stockholm Syndrome

In the last few days, there has been a lot of hand wringing after Strava, a run tracking app, published a global heat map of its users’ exercise paths. As it turns out, in many of the world’s most dangerous locations, the only people using social exercise tracking apps are expatriate military and humanitarian staff, […]

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Closing Civic Space in the Digital Age

Lucy Bernholz, Chris Worman, Mandeep Tiwana, Wilneida Negrón, and Dan “Blah” Meredith discuss the role of digital resources in shaping civic spaces.

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Closing Civic Space in the Digital Age

Featured Speakers [ess_grid alias=”closing-space”] Date & Time December 14, 2017 11am-12pm Pacific / 2-3pm Eastern Register now Civic spaces are closing around the globe. What role has digital data played in restricting civil society, and what are next steps for ensuring open civic spaces in this digital age? Join us as we gather experts to […]

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The Dark Side of Data (Organizations)

Nonprofits and philanthropy organizations need to engage more with digital data in their activities. However, they must also be careful to avoid the ‘dark side’ of data and digitization, and respect the privacy and security of individuals’ data.

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That’s Not Privacy: An Update

This month I checked back in with Micah Sifry to learn about the status of the That’s Not Privacy campaign, which MFG covered in May. Here’s what I learned (the following is an edited version of an email exchange): Micah, it has been about six months since the campaign launched. How is the That’s Not Privacy campaign going? […]

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