September 30, 2020
Can a Machine Learn Inclusivity? That Depends on the Teacher
The 4Q4 podcast returns with an introspective look at machine learning with a researcher who is helping to counteract bias.
September 30, 2020
The 4Q4 podcast returns with an introspective look at machine learning with a researcher who is helping to counteract bias.
September 15, 2020
With racial unrest shedding new light on AI’s fairness problem, an open source tool developed with the help of Digital Impact aims for a more holistic fix.
February 14, 2020
In an interview with ERST Foundation, Lucy Bernholz calls on Europe to impart to tech platforms a set of standards that uphold the ideals of democracy.
April 16, 2019
The real question for nonprofits and foundations is not how will they use AI, but how is AI being used within the domains within which they work and how must they respond?