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Data Is A Strategic Tool – Lets Make It Part Of Our Culture

Stanford Social Innovation Review“Strategic philanthropy requires reliable information,” writes Brad Smith, President of the Foundation Center, in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. He draws on his experience to urge a shift away from an our over-reliance on personal networks and verbal information and toward three key types of data: transactional, contextual and impact. They need to be used as strategic tools, not just “to give the impression of rigor!”

Please continue to the Stanford Social Innovation Review website to see Brad’s article in full and be sure to let us know what you think. 

The Foundation Center and the Stanford Social Innovation Review are among the clear forerunners in the data and social impact space. Be sure to visit their websites as regularly as we do, and of course, follow them on twitter @fdncenter and @SSIReview.

Brad Smith’s work has been featured for Markets For Good in the past: ‘Philanthropy’s Data Dilemma’.