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The New GuideStar Nonprofit Profile

MFG Archive

Yesterday's exciting news from GuideStar serves as an excellent cross-post opportunity via GuideStar's blog written by Jacob Harold, President and Chief Executive Officer of GuideStar.

I’m excited to announce a major milestone in GuideStar’s history. GuideStar’s vision is to drive philanthropy by increasing nonprofit data collection, distribution, and innovation. Today, we take a giant leap toward further achieving that vision. I am happy to officially debut our completely redesigned GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles.

We started this redesign process by asking you and ourselves one question: In 2016, what will matter most when sharing a nonprofit’s story?  Using this framework, here are some of the major updates we’ve made:


Enhanced presentation and clarity of information

Our reorganized profiles offer a clearer view of each nonprofit organization. We begin with a summary and then group your information into three categories:

  1. Programs and Results
  2. Operations
  3. Finances

This structure ensures that decision makers get the most important information about nonprofits quickly and easily.

Increased focus on information that matters most

Our new profiles emphasize answers to key questions about nonprofit programs and performance. This means simple financial metrics will no longer be the primary focus when telling a nonprofit’s full story (goodbye, overhead ratios!) Instead, we’re highlighting the progress organizations are making toward accomplishing their overall missions.

Turning snapshots into stories

Data is meaningless without context. That’s why our new profiles share information over the entire lifespan of an organization. Users can now see organizational growth, revenue, expenditures, and funding in a historical context. Interactive graphs highlight patterns and differences from one year to the next, showing as many as 15 years of data.


New information adds new chapters to nonprofits’ stories

Not only are our profiles redesigned they are filled with new information, such as:

  1. Narratives indicating the progress organizations are making toward their mission, called Charting Impact (in partnership with Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance and Independent Sector)
  2. Information about essential board leadership practices (in partnership with BoardSource)
  3. Diversity information of nonprofits, their employees, and their boards (in partnership with D5 and Green 2.0)

It’s simple. Increasing the depth and clarity of nonprofit data increases the quality of decisions in the nonprofit sector. More accessible and relevant data therefore strengthens trust in the nonprofit sector. This combination of improved trust and quality is critical in effecting more and better giving.

How you can engage

We encourage everyone to visit our website and explore the new GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles. Tell us what you think by leaving a comment below!

You can learn more about the redesign by reading our VP of Products’ blog post and dive into the complete list of new features by following this link.

Lastly, if you’re a nonprofit, make sure you are using the profile to tell your organization’s full and complete story to our 7 million annual users. Claim and update your profile today.

Thank you for investing in a better world,

Jacob Harold
President and CEO, GuideStar

This blog post originally appeared on Guidestar on January 20, 2015. You can view it here.