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The Backlash Against Big Data

A recent article in the Economist asks ‘why the backlash’ against data? Several articles have been written across a broad spectrum of established journals/news outlets that are very much anti-big data, yet the Economist responds with a counter point – a counter question even: Are we not just at an early adoption phase, similar to that […]

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Interview With Steve Goldberg

Steve Goldberg has been called “probably the most ambitious man in American philanthropy. He expects the nonprofit world to live up to its own hype and solve — yes, solve — the knottiest social problems. And he has a plan to fix it.” – Authors, Matthew Bishop and Michael Green. Markets For Good caught up with […]

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30 Data Visualization Tools

Today we would like to share with you a simple but highly effective list of data visualization tools for your organization. Assembled by Fast Company, this list brings together all types of software, from fresh looking pie charts, data maps, through to more complex “build it yourself” data visualization tools. — The full list, courtesy of Fast […]

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A Lesson In Data From Football

Data has invaded sport. You’ve seen it from Moneyball to football (both “footballs”). But, you’ve probably not heard the player’s perspective on data. And the player has an awful lot at stake. Imagine, on your first day of training camp, being tossed a 4-inch thick playbook and a ticking clock. You have only a few […]

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Our Shared Future

‘The idea is to try to give all of the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another’ – from Cargo Cult Science, a commencement address by Richard Feynman. This is the point of departure for today’s guest contributor, Ed […]

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Skoll World Forum: Not Short On Ambition

Last week marked the annual Skoll World Forum on Social Enterprise, in Oxford, England. A global event that brings together some of the most inspiring charities, foundations, trusts, CEOs, investors, and hard working people across the industry all in the name of learning, building connections, and ultimately, creating an even larger impact in the world […]

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Peer Benchmarking For Better Decisions And Higher Performance

CoopMetrics joins the conversation, making a clear case for collaborative data approaches and zeroing in on the value of benchmarking with peers. Always an eye-opener to see the actual context in which you’re operating! Read on for more from  Annie Donovan, CEO and Rick Jacobus,  Joint Practice Fellow. —   It is becoming an article of […]

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We’re Not No.1! We’re Not No.1!

Those of you who follow Markets For Good on Twitter will have been enjoying our updates from The Skoll World Forum on Social Enterprise. We hope our 140 character or less comments were illuminating, but we will be doing a write up on the event and the prominent role that data played. For now, we […]

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Eight (No, Nine!) Problems With Big Data

‘Big data is suddenly everywhere’ – we all know it, it’s why we read this very site. Be it as a member of the converted, or someone engaging the topic for the very first time, you just can’t deny that big data is everywhere. Furthermore, the value of big data is often highlighted as a […]

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The Lean Startup Goes To Washington

‘More and more, the government sector is working to improve the quality of information—or evidence—it is using to formulate decisions and policy. This is what we call evidence-based policy.’ In a recent article by Jonathan Greenblatt & Scott Hartley in the Standard Social Innovation Review, they highlight how the US Government is adopting the ‘Lean Start Up […]

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