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Turning Government Data Into Better Public Service

MFG Archive

In our latest news roundup, we take a look at how the US Federal Government is bringing digital analytics into how they deliver and build services, in an article published on Medium.


Turning Government Data Into Better Public Service’ was first published on Medium. The article outlines the release of the Digital Analytics Dashboard on March 19 by the US Digital Service.


The Dashboard allows the public to see how many users are on a Federal Government website, the devices on which they are accessing the site, as well as the operating systems. Their goal is to use the data to focus their digital service teams, with the goal of helping government agencies understand how people access and use government online services to better serve the public, while maintaining privacy. The dashboard still remains in the first iteration – not every government website is represented at present.


In the post, US Digital Service outlines a few initial insights about their users and the services, which include:


1) Government services must work well on all devices


2) Seasonal services and unexpected events can cause surges in traffic


3) Most people access their sites using newer web browsers.


The US Digital Service invites ideas for improvement, by contributing on GitHub, or by contacting them directly at

Be sure to check out the original post on Medium, and follow them on Twitter at @Medium.


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