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Own Your Body’s Data

MFG Archive

In our latest News Roundup, we take a look at Talithia William's TED talk, which focuses on the power of owning your body's data.

Talithia Williams is a statistician. She builds statistical models that study the spatial and temporal structure of data, so it’s not surprising that when advised by her doctor to induce the birth of a child that she demanded to see the data to back up his advice.

In her TEDx talk, Williams makes a compelling case for collecting and measuring simple data about our bodies on a daily basis. She and her husband have been collecting data about their bodies for six years, and during that time they have been able to track and observe her own early-stage miscarriage, as well as the dramatic weight loss of her husband.

Williams proves that while the high-tech self monitors that record steps, sleep patterns and heart rate might seem to be geared towards athletes, in fact they have vital and practical use in understanding subtle changes that are taking place within, for individuals at every level.

Williams calls upon the audience to take ownership of their data produced by their body,  by taking daily measurements. By doing so, there is power in becoming an authority and an expert on your body—which in turn can help your doctors make informed diagnosis and decisions faster. Her talk highlights the power of information that can be harnessed through personal data collection, and in her talk challenges the audience to take ownership of their data by showing just how valuable it is.

Be sure to check out Talithia William’s TEDx talk here.