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Do Good Data

MFG Archive

Today we’re bringing to your attention an upcoming event focused on the role of data in philanthropy.


Here at Markets For Good we like to keep all our readers abreast of the work of our friends and contributors. As such, today we are very excited to draw your attention to the Do Good Data conference, to which tickets recently went on sale.


Built by regular contributor Andrew Means of Data Analysts for Social Good, this year’s conference will be even bigger than last year, gathering 800 social sector professionals in Chicago. Taking place in April 30 – May 1, 2015, the emphasis is on learning and discussing how data is changing our work across the social sector.

The speakers include Ned Breslin, CEO of Water for People; Michael Weinstein, Chief Program Officer of the Robin Hood Foundation; Richard Thaler, behavioral economist and author of the book Nudge; Jake Porway, founder of DataKind, and Beth Kanter.


Whether you work at a nonprofit, foundation, or government agency – if you’re interested in how to better utilize data in your daily work, this conference is tailored to you. Andrew tells us that “not only will you leave having heard from forward thinking organizations, you will leave with new skills to implement in your organization.” Workshops cover topics as ranging as “Building a Culture of Data” and “Designing with Data” to “Predictive Analytics in Social Services” and “Intro to Machine Learning”.


It is great to see so many from the Markets for Good community involved in this conference and we are excited to share the event with. Learn more and see the full speaker and workshop list at the Do Good Data website.

Many thanks to regular contributor Andrew Means for not only organizing the event, but for taking the time to share the event with us. Read his latest MFG post here.

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