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Boot Camp For Data Junkies

MFG Archive

In a recent post, NPR shares an interview with Natasha Balac, creator of a new data boot camp in San Diego, USA.


Today we bring you an NPR interview with Natasha Balac, Director of the Predictive Analytic Center of Excellence at the University of California, San Diego, and creator of this two-day big data boot camp. Designed to help individuals “learn the tools and algorithms to help them analyze data and spot patterns,” it is for people from all types of industries interested in data analysis. Interviewed by Arun Rath of NPR, Balac explains that one of the key results of this boot camp is giving attendees the skills necessary “to take a data set that they might be doing in their professional or personal life and apply these algorithms to find patterns, rules, associations or some unexpected insight from the data.”


Furthermore, Balac stresses this activity is for anyone. Put simply, “looking for patterns in large amounts of data and then being able to find insight that you can take some action on really happens everywhere.”


Having “been teaching a data mining certificate program for about 12 years” Balac believes “predictive analytics or data science will become a department of its own.” As such, it may well be that this course is one of many that we may well see spring up across America and the world.

Many thanks to Arun Rath for his interview with Natasha Balac, the Director of the Predictive Analytic Center of Excellence at the University of California, San Diego, and creator of this big data boot camp.

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