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Lela Prashad

Lela Prashad is chief data scientist and co-founder at Lela directed the 100 Cities Project at Arizona State University until 2012 and is still active in urban research with ASU. Prior to NiJeL she established and ran the water program for the environmental non-profit Arizona PIRG and worked with the United States Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazards Team, and Arizona Departments of Environmental Quality and Water Resources. Lela holds an Master of Science in Geological Sciences from ASU and a Bachelor of Science in Geosciences from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Posts by Lela Prashad

Data Visualization Interview: Lela Prashad, NiJeL

NiJeL is next up in our series of interviewswith people and organizations on the frontlines of data visualization work. The idea is to bring a focused perspective on the practices and tools that are shaping the way we use data visualization and the broader conversation about it. NiJeL partners with organizations and individuals focused on […]

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