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Debra Anderson

Debra Anderson (@debraeanderson), Instructor at the New School, Co-Founder at DataCoLab, Founder & CEO at CultureShock. Focusing on the increasingly integral role of technology in both media and entertainment, Debra co-created and teaches an undergraduate course in Big Data: Consumer Research at The New School for Public Engagement, the first of its kind. The platform is focused on the developments, trends, and innovations in this rapidly expanding field. She recently lectured on the subject at the CultureTech Festival in Derry/Londonderry, N. Ireland.

Posts by Debra Anderson

Data Visualization: What Is It? What’s It Good For?

Debra Anderson, Instructor at the New School, Co-Founder at DataCoLab, Founder & CEO at CultureShock offers a brief examination of the current landscape and highlighting the benefit and value of DV for Social Good including: What is Data Visualization (DV)? Which organizations have used it effectively – and to what end? Why it is useful […]

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