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Accelerating the Pace of Social Change

MFG Archive

We examine new software that brings together best practice lessons from social impact organisations in a ‘solutions community.’


This week the team from Markets For Good have been attending the Skoll World Forum, enjoying a host of sessions on best practice, new trends, and exciting innovations across the social enterprise space. One such data innovation that caught out eye comes from the Resilience Exchange, who practice what they call the “solutioning approach,” something they explained to the Skoll audience yesterday afternoon.


We all share the irritation of how hard it is to research and find proven effective programmatic solutions, techniques, or even lessons from what didn’t work. The Resiliance Exchange was born out of this frustration. They use a novel approach for breaking solutions into their component parts, their building blocks, and recombining them to address new challenges. Harnessing lessons from the sharing economy, The Resilience Exchange is a web based platform that makes it easy and rewarding to discover, share, and repurpose solutions across a growing network of innovators around the world. Now in beta, they explained what their service offers, and encouraged organisations to take a look.


In the words of Astrid Scholz, the President of the Resilience Exchange, “we are turning solution into a verb, and practice ‘solutioning’ behavior: understanding and curating what we do with the goal of sharing it with others, essentially writing down the recipe of how we do what works for people. We call this the solutioning approach.” This approach was incredibly well received during their Skoll session at, with highly engaged questioning, and even early support from the audience. Most interestingly was the number of foundations in the audience who indicated they were already looking into how they can better share the work of their grantees, and better understand the landscape of what’s already being done around the world.


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With the support of organisations including the Rockefeller Foundation and Skoll Foundation, Astrid continues to look for more organisations to sign up and share their solutions, in time for a full launch in June. We encourage you to take a look, explore their solutions community and leave your feedback in the comments below.

Stay tuned for a follow up piece to this, including an interview with Founder Astrid Scholz and the MD of the Rockefeller Foundation, Nancy Kete. In the meantime, be sure to check out The Resilience Exchange online, test their beta product, and of course, follow them on Twitter for their latest news, @Resxchange.


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