We found an excellent cross-post opportunity via The Bridgespan Group and SSIR on our topic of Measuring Social Return. Christina Triantaphyllis and Matthew Forti make the case for why donors and their grantees should work together to advance practices that measure and evaluate outcomes.
“Global NGOs are at the forefront of addressing a host of education, health, development, and human rights issues. And Americans generously give billions each year to advance these organizations’ good works. But just how effective are they? Not as effective as they could be, say NGO leaders interviewed by The Bridgespan Group. Among the barriers NGOs face, donors typically restrict how their money can be spent. Most favor tying grants to specific programs. Few cover the costs associated with measuring whether those programs actually work.”
Christina Triantaphyllis is a consultant in Bridgespan’s Boston office.
Matthew Forti is director of the One Acre Fund USA and a former Bridgespan manager.
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